Potty training

Potty Training During Holidays – 4 Best Tips

Potty Training During Holidays – 4 Best Tips

Potty training during holidays can be a unique challenge. It’s an adventure by itself, but when combined with exciting festivities like Sinterklaas and Christmas, it can lead to surprises. It’s a period full of distractions, gifts, and joy, yet it might pose a challenge for your little one to focus on the potty. So, how can you smartly plan around these holidays and still make progress in potty training?

Why not during the Holidays?

Festive times themselves are bringing excitement and distractions. Children are often busy with gifts, family visits, and sometimes irregular and chaotic days. All this can divert their attention from potty training. It’s understandable that you wouldn’t want these festive periods to be disrupted by frustrations over accidents. Hence, we advise not to start potty training during these days.

Smart Planning for Success:

Below, we share 4 tips on when and how to plan potty training so that you don’t encounter surprises:

1. Avoid the busy days

Festive times often bring chaos. Starting potty training after Sinterklaas or a few days after Christmas is an ideal time. This helps avoid the peak of activities and keeps the period leading up to the new year more relaxed. It gives you and your little one space to concentrate on this new phase without distraction.

2. Clear communication

If your toddler understands, explain in simple words what’s going to happen. Create an understanding for the new adventure of potty training. Tell them that you’ll practice using the potty together, but emphasize that it’s completely okay if it doesn’t go perfectly right away. By communicating openly, involve your little one in the process and strengthen the sense of collaboration.

3. Provide balance

While the holidays are often synonymous with spontaneity, some consistency in the daily routine is crucial during potty training. If you decide to start potty training during the holidays, try to stick to fixed potty moments as much as possible. This maintains routine amidst the festive chaos. Consistency also helps your little one connect using the potty with staying dry, making it clear what’s expected.

4. Use rewards wisely

If you use a reward system like the one in our Potty Training Box, it’s smart to make it festive during the holidays. Give stickers a special touch, offer gifts or rewards in the Sinterklaas or Christmas theme, or let your child earn a small gift after a successful potty moment. Festive rewards add an extra layer of fun to the learning process and can enhance your child’s motivation.

For instance, giving a (special) Christmas ball as a gift after each full sticker card could be fun. The fuller the Christmas tree, the closer you are to the goal! And what’s also enjoyable is baking gingerbread cookies together after a completed sticker card.


Remember, potty training isn’t a competition. The goal isn’t to achieve the fastest results but to make the whole process enjoyable. If an accident happens, especially during the holidays, it’s completely normal. Give yourself and your little one the space to enjoy the holidays and, at the same time, make positive progress in potty training. Have lots of fun in advance! 🌟

Gift Tip: The Potty Training Box makes a great gift for the shoe or under the tree, kicking off the adventure as a celebration! Looking for more festive tips? Check out our socials like Instagram and Facebook

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